MERN Stack Development

Last Updated : 27-05-2023
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MERN is one of numerous MEAN stack (MongoDB Express Angular Node) variants in which React.js replaces the usual Angular.js frontend framework. MEVN (MongoDB, Express, Vue, Node) is another variation, and any frontend JavaScript framework can be used.

MERN is a full-stack application that uses React.js for the front-end display layer, Express.js and Node.js for the application tier, and MySQL for the database tier (MongoDB).

MongoDB integrates seamlessly with Node.js, making storing, manipulating, and expressing JSON data at all levels of your application a breeze. MongoDB Atlas makes it even easier for cloud-native applications by providing an auto-scaling MongoDB cluster on the cloud provider of your choice with only a few button clicks.

The JavaScript/JASON application MERN’s whole stack is made up of Express.js (running on Node.js) and React.js. Express.js is a server-side application framework for wrapping HTTP requests and answers and making mapping URLs to server-side functions simple. React.js is a JavaScript frontend framework for creating dynamic HTML user interfaces that communicate with a remote server.

JSON data flows effortlessly from front to back as a result of this combination, making it quick to develop and debug. Plus, to grasp the entire system, you just need to know one programming language and the JSON document structure!

MERN is the go-to stack for today’s online developers who want to get things done quickly, especially those who have worked with React.js.

PNY Trainings created the bestselling React course, and now you can take your React skills to the next level by building full-stack web apps using React, NodeJS, MongoDB, and Express!

Building full-stack apps (frontend + backend) using the MERN stack is highly popular – in this course, you’ll learn how to do it from start using a whole project as an example!

MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js are acronyms for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js, and when used together, these four technologies allow you to create fantastic online apps.

We’ll develop a whole project in this course, and you’ll learn how these various technologies interact step by step. We’ll start by looking at all of the separate building parts so that by the conclusion of the course, we’ll be able to merge them all into one great application.

This course also doesn’t stop with the basics – instead, you’ll also learn how to add file upload, authentication, authorization, and how to deploy your application in multiple ways to different hosting services.


This course is a complete specialization that consists of the following modules:

      • Module-I: JavaScript – Basic and Advanced JavaScript (ES6+)
      • Module-II: Modern Front-End Development with React.js Eco-system
      • Module-III: Backend Server-Side Development with Node.js, Express & MongoDB
      • Module-IV: Github & Cloud Deployment Strategies

Learn in-depth advanced features of MERN Stack-Full Stack Web Development and become an advanced developer and top-rated freelancer.

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